You may be related to a patriot of the  American Revolution! Are you aware of a relative who is or was a DAR member? Have you heardFrom DAR website stories of a person in your family tree who provided patriotic service?

Let us help you research your family roots and submit your lineage to request membership in the NSDAR. We encourage you to join our amazing network of over 180,000 active members who represent 3,000 chapters across the United States and internationally!

Membership Eligibility Requirements:

To be eligible you must be a woman 18 years or older and have an ancestor who aided the cause for American independence between the time of the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775, and the withdrawal of British troops from New York on November 26, 1783. Please contact us if you are interested in pursuing membership in the NSDAR, and our chapter will assist you with your application.

There are many ways your ancestors could be on record as patriots, including:

  • Civil Service: Town or County Sheriff, Constable, Jailer, Surveyor of Highways, Justice of the Peace, Town Clerk, Selectman, Juror, Town Treasurer, Judge, etc.
  • Patriotic Service: Signer of Oath of Fidelity and Support and Oath of Allegiance. Members of Committees of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety, committees to care for soldiers’ families.  Members of the Continental Congress, State Conventions, and Assemblies. Signers of petitions to  recognize the authority of the Provisional and new State Governments. Ministers who gave patriotic sermons and encouraged patriotic activity. Ancestors who provided material aid of supplies, munitions makers, gunsmiths, and monies, with or without remuneration, to the Colonies. Defenders of Forts and Frontiers. Doctors, nurses, and others providing medical care to the wounded. Service performed by French nationals within the colonies or in Europe in support of the American cause. Service in the Spanish Troops under Galvez. Prisoners of war or refugees. Members of the Boston Tea Party.
  • Military Service: Privateers, members of Local and State Militia and Navy, Continental Army, and Continental Navy.
  • Signers of the Declaration of Independence